[SunHELP] Can't stat /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0

Munish Bajaj mbajaj at quark.co.in
Mon May 26 06:21:14 CDT 2003

Hi all
I'm getting this error on one of my SunFire880 server and was able to find
out the following explanation.

"Can_t_stat__dev_rdsk_c0t3d0s0Can't stat /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0" 

When booted from cdrom  and done fsck the root partition comes out to be
fine but on booting from root disk this error occurs. The device name for /
is missing from /dev/dsk directory and to resolve the issue /dev & /devices
directories has to be restored from root backup tapes . 
But the problem in that i do not have the root backup tapes. Can anyone
please suggest me an alternative way to resolve the problem.
Thanks to all
Munish Bajaj 

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