[SunHELP] configuring quad-ethernet card

Patrick Marquetecken patrick.marquetecken at pandora.be
Sat Jun 28 11:58:14 CDT 2003

> "At this moment my solaris 2.6 is connected to a broadband router ( and that is connected to my cable modem.
> "
> "Only le0 has a ethernet cable connected to the broadband router.
> "I can ping all the other machines in my network, but cannot reatch a computer on the internet.
> do you mean that the other machines can't reach the internet?  or that
> valinor itself can't?  if so, this sounds like a dns issue.  what do
> you have in /etc/resolv.conf?
> otherwise, it's either a routed issue or your isp is refusing all but
> valinor's own ip.

Its only valinor, this i have:

/etc/hosts/ with ipadressen
qe1 enz

/etc/resov.conf with name-servers of ISP
/etc/nsswitch.conf hosts= files dns
/etc//etc/gateways - net gateway metric 1 passive


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