[SunHELP] Samba and win98 profiles

Patrick Marquetecken patrick.marquetecken at pandora.be
Fri Jun 27 07:01:49 CDT 2003


I have installed samba 2.2.8a on solaris 2.6, it seems to work fine except for the roaming profiles. I have search the samba lists and found two solutions. I have tried them all but still no luck.

    ; Basic server settings
    sever string = Samba %v on (%h)
    netbios name = VALINOR
    workgroup = ARDA
                                                                                     ; we should act as the domain and local master browser
    os level = 64
    preferred master = yes
    domain master = yes
    local master = yes
                                                                                     ; security settings (must user security = user)
    security = user
    ; encrypted passwords are a requirement for a PDC
    encrypt passwords = yes
    ; support domain logons
    domain logons = yes
    ; where to store user profiles?
    logon path = \\%L\%u\profiles
    ; where is a user's home directory and where should it
    ; be mounted at?
    logon drive = Z:
    logon home = \\%L\%U\profiles
                                                                                     ; specify a generic logon script for all users
    ; this is a relative **DOS** path to the [netlogon] share
    logon script = logon.bat
; necessary share for domain controller
    path = /data/samba/netlogon
    readonly = no
    writable = yes
    ;write list = ntadmin
; share for storing user profiles
    path = /data/samba/ntprofile
    read only = no
    writable = yes
    create mask = 0600
    directory mask = 0700
        browseable = no
        writeable = yes
        create mode = 0750

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 "No... but it is... interesting..." -- Spock 

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