[SunHELP] ramdisk?

DAUBIGNE Sebastien - BOR ( SDaubigne@bordeaux-bersol.sema.slb.com ) SDaubigne at bordeaux-bersol.sema.slb.com
Fri Sep 20 09:51:14 CDT 2002

To create something similar to a Ramdisk of 500 Mb :

mount  -F  tmpfs  -o  size=500m  swap    /mount_point

Note that the underlying device ("swap") is virtual memory, which means
RAM + swap devices.
Hence, you can't be sure that the datas copied to /mount_point will be
kept in RAM (could be paged out to the swap devices in case the memory
pressure is high).

I guess the standard file system cache algorithm will do this job almost
better, and transparently.

See man mount_tmpfs

Sebastien DAUBIGNE
sdaubigne at bordeaux-bersol.sema.slb.com - (+33)
SchlumbergerSema - SGS/DWH/Pessac

	-----Message d'origine-----
	De:	Takacs Istvan [SMTP:istvan.takacs at hungax.com]
	Date:	vendredi 20 septembre 2002 14:18
	:	sunhelp at sunhelp.org
	Objet:	[SunHELP] ramdisk?


	I need to create a ramdisk somehow and to mount it
	under one of our web servers' directory like a cache

	Could you help me please how can I do it?
	Is that possible at all to create ramdisks under Solaris 8?

	Thanks in advance!


	SunHELP maillist  -  SunHELP at sunhelp.org

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