[SunHELP] display breaks text fields into separate lines

Tim Gallagher komokwa at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 18 20:16:46 CDT 2002

Every so often I encounter a situation in which I will try to more or vi a
file (e.g. /etc/vfstab) and the display will break the text up in such a way
that each field appears on a separate line except for the first character of
the field which is displayed at the end of the line.

It seems to be machine specific, which suggests it is related to the login
profile or environmental variables. No problems with the file or
functionality, just a weirdness in the display.

I see this even if $TERM is set identically to other displays which have no
problem. It has got to be some simple setting which is off, a small but
frustrating problem.

Any suggestions or experience with this?

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