[SunHELP] CPU Utilization

Suchitra N Chilmakuru csuchitr at in.ibm.com
Thu Feb 28 06:33:33 CST 2002

Hi ,

     I have a problem at hand. We are looking at 5 times the increase in
the number of users who are going to access
our web application .

1. Our web application uses Websphere as front end and Oracle database as
2. we look at nearly 7 Million records being created every year. Now if we
look at 5 times the increase
That is 35 Million records every year.
3. We have 8 CPU at 330MHZ and the average CPU utilisation at present is
15% and the maximum utilisation has gone up to 50% .
4. The users using may also increase 5 fold.

How will i have to calculate weather i require one more CPU ? and what will
be the CPU utilisation for 35 million inserts in a year .
Also we have to look at the access by users which may also increase 5 fold.

What are all the details i have to consider before i reach an answer.

Thanks in advance for the helpful response


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