[SunHELP] me dumb

Will Yardley william+sun at hq.newdream.net
Tue Feb 19 03:55:55 CST 2002

ok so i've just learned the hard way not to strip solaris executables
with gnu strip.

the good news (i suppose) is that /usr/ucb and /sbin are fine; i just
messed up /usr/bin.  the other good news is that the machine's services
seem to be running ok, and i have a shell window open.

the bad news is that i have no cdrom in the machine (a sparcstation 5)
at the moment.  any suggestions on a way to recover from this, and is
there a way of restoring these packages without reinstalling the OS
entirely?  presumably i could restore all of the necessary packages if i
borrow a cdrom again and do it from there.

presumably there isn't an easy way to obtain these packages over the
net, due to licensing restrictions?

William Yardley
GnuPG public key: http://infinitejazz.net/will/pgp/gpg.asc

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