[SunHELP] Jumpstart Netra T1

ed at the7thbeer.com ed at the7thbeer.com
Wed Feb 13 22:06:09 CST 2002

Anyone ever have problems jumpstarting a Netra T1?

I've eliminated teh JS server, the sysidcfg file and anything on the
Jumpstart side as the problem.  

The Netra gets the boot image, starts to boot, gives the normal "whoami:
no domain name" error and then just hangs.  Snoops shows it NFS
mounting(first via UDP then via TCP) stuff but after a while it just
stops, hangs and (hours later) send a FIN ACK/ACK and that's that.
Scratching my head over this one....anyone?

Ed Mitchell (ed<-at->the7thbeer.com)
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