[SunHELP] audioio.h for Sol. 2.8

Michael Doyle gmike at cstone.net
Tue Feb 5 07:35:02 CST 2002

Hi all,

What needs rescuing seems to be the file 'audioio.h', which seemingly
wasn't installed in this machine (didn't install the OS myself; please no
castigation - I've spent lots of time rescuing other machines: 2 NeXTs [cube &
slab], a SS IPC, and an SGI I2).  What package contains this header file, and
on which Sol. 2.8 CD is it?  I assume I just use pkgadd to install it?

In what format is Vol. 1 of the 2.8 media?  I see nothing but
'.SUNW-boot-redirect' when I mount the CD....  So how does one se
arch for software packages on it?

This header is needed in compiling the audio_sun.c file of the mpg123 MP3
player.  Yup, I don't presently have a program that decodes an MP3, audio not
having been really high on the list of things to learn, but I've got a little
bit of time now.  What do y'all prefer for decoding, encoding, and playing
MP3's under Sol. 2.8?

Charlottesville, VA

E-Mail: Michael Doyle <gmike at cstone.net>
Date: 05-Feb-02
Time: 08:15:25

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from Michael's Sun SPARCstation 20MP

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