[SunHELP] Keyboard question

Devrim Yilmaz (Garanti Teknoloji) DevrimY at garanti.com.tr
Fri Dec 27 05:53:10 CST 2002

Use /etc/default/kbd to disable keyboard abort. But it works after
While system is active, use kbd -a disable command.

Have a nice day,

-----Original Message-----
From: Naresh Narang [mailto:nknarang at netzero.com]
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 12:18 AM
To: sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Subject: [SunHELP] Keyboard question

Hi there,

        When I remove the keyboard from an E-450 the syatem goes to "ok"
prompt and
I have to connect the keyboard and type "go" to get it back. Is there a
to disable this behaviour so that when I disconnect the keyboard, system
doesn't go down?

Thanks & Regards,

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