[SunHELP] help

jh jh at r2r.de
Fri Apr 19 05:04:17 CDT 2002

My Problem:
 There is a Sun-Ray-Server and a Sun-Ray-DHCP-Server who gives IP`s to
the Appliances. There are less IP`s on the DHCP, so I need more IPs on
the DHCP to give them to the Appliances.

How can I get more IPs on the Sun-Ray-DHCP???
      # utadm -d hme0   (destroy the old Interface)
      # utadm -a hme0    (and then give more IPs than just existing??)
Does it work??? Or will i have to set up again the whole Sun ay Server
Software if i do this??

      Second idea:
      # dhcpconfig          (and then give a greater IP range?? But is
the SunRay Server Software able to work with this greater IP range??)
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Jens Hamann
Unix Consultant

R2R Informations- und Kommunikations AG
Anzengruberstr. 12    D-83101 Rohrdorf
Tel: +49-8032-9899-0 Fax: +49-8032-9899-29
http://www.r2r.de     mailto:jhamann at r2r.de

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