[SunHELP] ping a port

Joe Pampel sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Fri Sep 21 11:52:44 CDT 2001

nmap will do this nicely. a port scan will  tell you if the port is open, =
closed, or filtered (meaning a FW is deciding who gets in on that port) to =
go through the FW, you can run the scan from any port you want, say 53 or =
80 for ex. You can run against the FW, or against the net behind it etc. =
Very handy for self audit IMHO. The OS guessing is pretty accurate as =
well. I like it.  There are some great refs on the net on how to use it =
incl one of Lance's Whitepapers. (showing sample nmap scan strings etc)

- Joe

Joe Pampel
Systems Administrator
Ardsley Partners
Joe at Ardsley.com

>>> "David Baldwin" <dbaldwin at networkinsight.com> 09/21/01 10:00AM >>>
What I need to be able to do is check if a service's port is responding
such as 80 or 443.  And, I need to be able to do it through a firewall.
I have seen that ping is not the tool for that and port scanners might
do the trick.  My next question is this, if I run a port scan is it
going to let me know if the firewall is open or can it tell me if a port
on the server on the other side is open and responding as well?  Also,
does Solaris come with any such tool?  I have heard of tools like nmap
and netcat and they are available from sunfreeware.

Thanks, once again, for any suggestions.
Dave Baldwin

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Cameron [mailto:archimage at linux-magic.com]=20
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 6:35 AM
To: sunhelp at sunhelp.org=20
Subject: Re: [SunHELP] ping a port

I don't think ping can hit any port other than the standard ICMP port
it queries.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Baldwin" <dbaldwin at networkinsight.com>
To: <sunhelp at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 12:55 PM
Subject: [SunHELP] ping a port

> Hi all,
> I am trying to find out how I can ping an ip through a certain port on
> firewall.  As a test I tried to telnet to the port on the system with
> "telnet x.x.x.x port#" and it failed.  But if I try "ping x.x.x.x
> it goes through.  ICMP is allowed on its default port but how can I
> change the port it tries?
> This is for standard "service alive?" checking.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> Dave Baldwin
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