[SunHELP] mt - device busy

Melinda Taylor sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Wed Oct 10 21:20:41 CDT 2001

Is there a way to take control of the tape drive away from a process?  Or
find out what is using it (besides the obvious ie grep 'mt' 'tar' etc). My
tape drive seems to be in a wierd state where "mt status"  returns
"/dev/rmt/0ln: Device busy" even when there is no tape in the drive.  Are
there lock files somewhere I can remove or something?  I'd prefer not to
reboot/reconfigure etc. It has been working fine up until now.

The tape drive is Seagate DDS3.



Dr. Melinda Taylor                      Research Associate
Dept. of Astrophysics and Optics        Phone: +61 2 9385 4560
School of Physics                       Fax:   +61 2 9385 6060
UNSW, Sydney, 2052                      Email: melinda at phys.unsw.edu.au

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