[SunHELP] Any disks that won't work/fit in a 911 enclosure?

Dave Garten sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Tue Nov 27 11:09:27 CST 2001


911 boxen are simple inside.  Cable loops through four drives 


Internal Plugs are standard SCSI 50 pin (molex?) which work on SCSI 'narrow' 
drives.  Seagates that use this pinout all end in N (ST31200N for example).  
You set the drive ID manually (0-6 with single ended) on each drive you 
install (see drive manuals/pinouts).  You can install one, two, three, or 
four independent drives (any combination of sizes, just different ID's for 
each unit).  Box doesn't care.  Label on back indicates where each is and 
IIRC, has a blank to write the actual ID you install in each position.  

The rack inside is supposed to have four 'sleds' or brackets that are just 
metal brackets that hold the drive up off the bottom plate of each shelf and 
slide into a key that holds the drive horizontally.  You use four screws to 
mount the sleds on the bottom of the drives.
       |     0     |[    1    ]|
       |[    2    ]|     3     |

The drives are 'fixed' in place by running a screw through the side of the 
rack into the drive itself.  So five screws per drive if you use the 
brackets.  I don't have the brackets.  I just use a single screw through the 
side of the rack into each drive.  I suspect that is at some risk, but the 
brackets are a b**t** to find.  And then they are 'spensive.  I don't 
need 'em.

Now, what fits?  Nearly every 3.5 inch SCSI drives up to 1.6 inches high.  I 
have seen some 'old' single ended IBM 1.6 high SCSI drives that didn't have a 
screw hole on the side at the right place.  Otherwise, I've never seen a 3.5 
incher that wouldn't go in and then mount (meet up with the side screw hole).


Dave Garten
dgarten at nova dot org
dgarten at totalimage dot org

Nicholas Dronen <ndronen at frii.com> said:

> ...what kind of 
> disks am I limited to.  Any ideas?
> Nicholas Dronen

Dave Garten
dgarten at nova dot org
dgarten at totalimage dot org

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