[SunHELP] How to tell the Version of Solaris installed ? uname not good eno ugh !

Foong, Tzeweng sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Tue May 29 00:56:45 CDT 2001

Hello SunHelpers,

I would like to know how to find out the version of solaris installed 
on any particular sparc box. I have looks around a bit but the best 
I have found is the "uname -a" but thats not enough.

uname -a tells me the main version ie 5.8 for solaris 8 but I am 
interested to find out the actual release of the software for example.
Solaris 8 has got the March 2000, the October 2000, January 2001 
and April 2001 releases. How do I know which is really installed ?

A related question is the Patches that are installed. How do I find 
out the list of patches installed on a machine?

Thanks SunHelpers...

Tze Weng Foong

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