[SunHELP] run openwin/CDE from another sun's box

James Fogg sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Tue May 1 07:22:06 CDT 2001

ummm... nothing needed.

I don't know how to do it sun to sun..
but I do it frequently from linux.
from a command line in linux do...
X -query somemachinenameoraddress :1
and wait (and wait and wait).
You will see the whole DT login and your
desktop from the sunboxen on your linuxboxen.

To switch back to your old linux desktop (technically, 
screen 0 rather than screen 1) hit cntrl,alt,F7. cntrl,alt,F8
will get you screen :1 (the solaris DT).

The F7/F8 keys are mentioned using an assumption that
you use the default value for the number of Vterms 
allowed on your system. Linux default (most distros) is six
virtual terminals, so 7/8/9 etc are available for Xwindows.

This all assumes you haven't blocked XDM in your network

Some similar method should exist in Solaris.

On Tue, 01 May 2001, THOU SPAKE:
> Hi All,
> Is there any software so I can run openwin/CDE from another sun box
> (both running Solaris OS) or is there another way I don't need
> software?
> Thanks in advance for all your input.
> -triyono

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	 James D. Fogg, Network Engineer
	Vicinity Corporation - Lebanon, NH

     DESK (603) 442-1751 - CELL (603) 252-1864
     PAGER (802) 742-0280 - HOME (603) 526-7729
            EMAIL jfogg at vicinity.com

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