[SunHELP] stty erase

William W. Arnold sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Wed Mar 28 09:00:38 CST 2001

>>| Is there any way to determine a type of a machine I'm coming from (to put
>>| some "if - else" statement into .profile)?
>>| Or is there better solution?

You can parse the output of who. 
(tcsh example from my .login)
else if (`who am i | perl -ne 'print("ppp") if /ppp.richmond.edu/;'` == "ppp") then
        set term=vt102

Or you can do what I find more generally usefull:
(also tcsh example from my .cshrc)
alias ^H 'stty erase ^H'
alias ^? 'stty erase ^?'

And then you just hit your backspace/delete key and return as the
first thing you do when you login.  After a while it becomes so
automatic you don't realize your doing it.
I'm sure there's a equivalent bash thing.

-billy- warnold at erols.com warnold at vipnet.org

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