[SunHELP] Good Solaris 7 Getting started/reference

Nicholas Pesce sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Tue Mar 13 09:37:01 CST 2001

The funny part is that the best documentation I have found is not a book.
(per say).  The best documentation I have found is on http://docs.sun.com

I know you were asking for a book, but you can download the PDF files and
print them out.  There are several books I have read, but really none of
them come close to the web documentation. (at least in my opinion).

On Tue, 13 Mar 2001, Tige D. Chastain wrote:

> Could someone recommend a good book for Solaris 7.  I have a couple
> years experience in administrating Linux servers, but need to brush up
> on my Solaris knowledge.  I've seen several boots on Solaris, but don't
> have enough knowledge to evaluate which would be best for me.  I'm
> specifically looking for installation, configuration, and
> administration.  Also, any documentation covering the Sparc OpenBoot
> PROM would be helpful (I'm sure I can find that on the net somewhere).
> Thanks in advance for the recommendations.
> Tige Chastain
> tigechastain at home.com
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