[SunHELP] upgrading samba

Wolfgang Engelien sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Tue Mar 13 01:15:01 CST 2001

>Maybe this is a bad recommendation, but have you ever thought of running
>Sun's PC netlink instead?

Well, yes, and it WAS by far not as performant as samba,
which runs also smoothly with "Dave" for our Macs.

>>First of all thanks for your info.
>>Can I leave the old samba running while installing
>>the new and then just switch over (and maybe back, if
>>there are some unexpected difficulties)?

# Wolfgang Engelien                       
# Tel.: +1 (212) 746 3724
# Fax.: +1 (212) 746 5818
# email: wolfgang at hanazono.med.cornell.edu

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