[SunHELP] monitoring for failed hardware

Kovalev, Ivan sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Mon Mar 12 13:24:53 CST 2001

You should have some utilities of that sort from RAID vendor. For example,
for A1000 (and may be for yours as well) it is /usr/lib/osa/bin/rmscript .
You can check /var/osa/rmlog.log or run healthck -a ( in case of A1000).
prtdiag would probably give you more info then the 'wrench' light, you might
opt for checking this too.

-----Original Message-----
From: Austad, Jay [mailto:austad at marketwatch.com]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 12:20 PM
To: 'sunhelp at sunhelp.org'
Subject: [SunHELP] monitoring for failed hardware

What is the best way to monitor for failed hardware (disks, etc...)?  

Is there something I can run or a script I can write that will email me when
I have a piece of hardware fail?  If I lose a disk from one of my mirrored
or RAID-5 volumes, I'm not going to notice except for degraded performance,
which may take me a day or two to notice on some systems.  Sending the
interns to look at the "wrench" light every day would probably be a waste of
time too.  :)

The particular hardware that I'm concerned about is an Ultra Enterprise 3500
with 3 A5000/5100 series drive arrays.


Jay Austad
Network Administrator
CBS MarketWatch

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