[SunHELP] Disksuite & metainit

bs sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Wed Jun 27 08:11:43 CDT 2001


first create a replica db by 

#metadb -a -f -c2 /dev/dsk/c?t?d?s?  /dev/dsk/c?t?d?s?

size of  /dev/dsk/c?t?d?s?  &  /dev/dsk/c?t?d?s?  10-15 MB is enough.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael S. Schiller" <schiller at trillian.agrijag.com>
To: <sunhelp at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 3:49 PM
Subject: [SunHELP] Disksuite & metainit

| Hi.
| I'm trying to setup a software RAID using Disksuite, but I can't seem to
| get anywhere! I've read parts of the manual (no, not the whole thing)
| and I've edited the /etc/lvd/md.tab file according to the manual, but
| when I try and create the state database I keep getting an error message
| saying that there are no existing databases! I KNOW THAT. How do I get
| metainit or metadb or whatever to CREATE the needed files?
| This has got me VERY frustrated, and if I can't figure it out soon,
| I might have a used Sun for sale with a few bulletholes in it :)
| -Mike
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