[SunHELP] 1 NIC router/firewall?

Bob Ruddy sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Wed Jun 13 11:51:02 CDT 2001

why don't you just get a nic that would cost between $20-$60 depending on 
what you buy and put it in the P200 so you have three nics, then plug the 
new circuit in the new nic card. So you have your internal, and two 
external links all plugged into the same router. that would be easiest and 


> Is this possible?
> Here is the situation:
> I'm going to be switching circuits, I currently have a P200 Linux box
> acting as my router/firewall, I am bringing in a circuit to replace the
> current one. I need to keep the old circuit active while I switch all
> the users over to the new circuit. Problem is, I don't have enough
> hardware to make a new router/firewall and keep the old one active.
> Here is my proposed solution(if this will work)
> Use this extra SS20 I have as a temporary router/firewall with only the
> onboard ethernet, then replace it with the P200 after all the users are
> switched over.
> The question is, can I have 2 IPs on the single ethernet port of the
> SS20, one public, one private, and plug it into the switch with the new
> circuit and have it route between the 2 IPs? Will my user PCs be safe
> on their 10.1.X.X network even though they are plugged into a switch
> that directly connects to the internet?
> This seems like it would work, does anybody have an experiance with
> such a setup?
> TIA,
> Chad
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