[SunHELP] Crontab Ownership

John Kennedy sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Tue Jan 2 10:09:36 CST 2001

Hello all,
I know this is a bit of a simple question but I'm can't seem to think
straight lately...
We are currently using Enterprise Security Manager by Axent (It
sucks...Don't buy it!!! [Contact me off list if you want details...]).  The
person who is training me on it has very little UNIX knowledge and believes
that whatever errors ESM gives MUST be fixed to ESM's satisfaction.  One of
the error's ESM has come up with is that users adm and sys crontab files are
owned by the respective users and not owned by root.  I can't put a finger
on it but this seems like it would cause problems when adm and sys try to
run their crontabs.  Am I correct in thinking this??? If so, why is it
Thanks for the help,

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