[SunHELP] system health

David Baldwin sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Thu Aug 2 15:30:52 CDT 2001

Thanks for all the responses.
I had some ideas but I wanted to make sure.
Like you say, "It's unix, after all."  So I figure, I could pull my hair
out day in and day out just checking random things or, "Hey, this
command that I never heard of does all that for me!"
I'm sure you know what I mean.

Thanks again

Dave Baldwin

-----Original Message-----
From: koyote at koyote.cx [mailto:koyote at koyote.cx]=20
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 1:18 PM
To: sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Subject: RE: [SunHELP] system health

If the hardware is working, it's working- I'm not familiar with any low=20
level diagnostic tools that you can run without disrupting service.
should be mirrored or bad things will happen. Filesystem and services-=20
well. It's unix, after all. :)

check logs, search for core files, see what's running and why, check=20
ports, get some general keepitclean scripts and test them somewhere
Check your OS update levels. And find out what happens and why if a box=20
does go down. If it's that big a deal, then there needs to be an HA=20


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