[Sunhelp] Tape library recommendations

Bjorn Ramqvist brt at osk.sema.se
Fri Sep 22 01:53:04 CDT 2000


Over here my customer is running an SGI Origin 200 (not very
Sun-related) with a 7-slot DEC TZ887 drive, actually a re-badged Quantum
DLT-4700. Those can handle 140/280GB (uncompressed/compressed) and is
quite cheap.
We bought this one as a used item, beeing much cheaper than a new one. I
think we paid somewhere around $2500-$3500 for that baby, and since it
was bought as a "re-manufactured" item, we had full service and

The good thing about this one is that it's fully rackmountable. It's
even possible to mount 2 exactly the same drives side-by-side in a
cabinet, without wasting any rack-units. (I think it takes somewhat near
The downside on this baby is that these 20/40GB DLT-4000 drives are
pretty slow. Think 1.5MB/s and it takes about 20-24hrs to back up 250GB.
Since the price is somewhat low, you can even buy two of these, and run
RAIT. :-)

	/Regards, Bjorn

Thomas Cameron wrote:
> Howdy all -
> I am not the biggest Sun/Solaris expert in the world, and I would like some advice.
> I have a customer who has a 333 gig RAID tower attached to a NuTec Ultra Sparc clone
> running Solaris 7.  They are looking for a tape backup solution.  Does anyone have
> any opinions on tape libraries/software?  This really needs to be a fire and forget
> solution, if possible.  The comany is small, and they don't want to have to hassle
> with the system, they just want it to run.
> Thanks a bunch for your input.
> Thomas
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