[Sunhelp] Anybody using SunPCi with u30?
Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed Sep 6 00:56:26 CDT 2000
Anybody else using a SunPCi card with an U30? If so, what do you do about
there not being a "rail slot" to hold up the end of the full-length PCI
ANybody know where you can get some of the "foam" similar to what's on
the inside of a portion of the U60 case, or all over the inside of an
Netra NFS box? Maybe I can glue a block of that to the bottom inside
of the U30's case to "prop up" the SunPCi card.. because right now you
can look at the card and SEE that its curved downward from its own
Also - had to update the U30's OBP to 3.25 for the system to recognize
the SunPCi card.
+-------------------\ /-----------------+
| Bill Bradford | www.sunhelp.org |
| mrbill at mrbill.net | www.decvax.org |
| Austin, Texas USA | www.pdp11.org |
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