[Sunhelp] old-style SPARCstorage Array prices?

Steven Levin steven.levin at ipix.com
Thu May 18 22:02:07 CDT 2000

Might be worth checking out Comdisco... they take a lot of older stuff back
at the end of leases; decent prices, and the stuff has always been good in
my experience. (www.comdisco.com)


> Anybody know what the going rate for one of the old-style
> SPA my RCstorage Arrays, with controller card and fiberoptic
> cable, is?  I'm talking about the kind that normally came
> full of 30 1gig HDs...
> Bill
> --
> +--------------------+-------------------+
> |   Bill Bradford    |   Austin, Texas   |
> +--------------------+-------------------+
> | mrbill at sunhelp.org | mrbill at mrbill.net |
> +--------------------+-------------------+
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