[SunRescue] RE: [Sunhelp] Ugh. Please read.

David Murphy drjolt at redbrick.dcu.ie
Fri Mar 31 08:04:26 CST 2000

Quoting <38E3B68E.13808986 at apk.net>
by Chris & Amy Petersen <havoc at apk.net>:

> For what it's worth, I've got a $400,000+ hardware order about to be
> placed for Sun hardware, followed by a much larger order in the
> future. If anyone from Sun is bothering to listen, these orders are
> now in jeopardy - I'll take my business elsewhere, to a company that
> is more respectful and interested in it's own users. McNealy, you're
> turning your company into nothing better then your own worst enemy,
> Microsoft. This is just another step in that direction.

I, too, am currently involved in a project which will result in an
order of similar value for Sun equipment - frankly, while we prefer
the Sun products at a technology level, at a business level, we found
Sun's competitors in the unix space much more straightforward to deal
with, and, unlike their Sun counterparts, seemed to have actual
knowledge of their product line - IMHO it's only a matter of time
before the engineering division catches up with the rest of the

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"That's a malicious rumour. I'll run over anyone who repeats it."
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