[Sunhelp] Crash, Recovery, and DB

mjohnson at forsythemca.com mjohnson at forsythemca.com
Tue Mar 21 09:54:52 CST 2000


    E3500, for a lack of a better term, crashed after an individual moved
everything in /usr to another lower directory.  Subsequently corrupting the
filesystem structure on most of the usr, var, and opt partitions.  Server
rebuild was successful.  Majority of the data was recovered.

   Sybase data base files and binaries were recovered; however, we cannot start
the database due to a listener failure.  It appears from the error message that
the listener cannot find the raw disk address specified in the interfaces file.
The master database checks out clean and then the listener fails.  Since I do
not claim to be a Sybase expert, I was wondering if anyone would know how I can
fix this problem.

Possible Ideas:
   I think it is possible to re-install Sybase without stomping on the current
database files, including configs.  Thus, re-establishing all of the appropriate
links.  I can certainly perform the installation, but I do not want to create
more problems without advanced knowledge of how Sybase reacts, etc.

   I believe that the raw disk address should be able to be re-specified in the
interfaces file, but again I am not certain how this is arrived at without
advanced knowledge of Sybase.

If anyone can lend constructive comments and assistance, I would be grateful.


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