[Sunhelp] Creating a CD with solaris software on it.

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Sun Mar 5 18:32:55 CST 2000

On Sun, Mar 05, 2000 at 02:13:43PM -0800, Kevin Fujinami wrote:
> I need to create a CD with all of the programs that I generally install.
> How do I create a CD formatted for Solaris x86?  I do have a CD burner
> installed on a windows machine.
> I need to put stuff like gzip and netscape clients, and other stuff on this
> CD.
> kevin.

I usually just make a tar file like "solaris.tar" containing all the packages
I need, then burn that to an iso9660-format CDROM.  That way, both a sparc
and a PC can read it (if I need to ftp the packages off a PC for example),
I just put the tarfile on the sparc, and then untar it (which results in
the long filenames).


| Bill Bradford | mrbill at mrbill.net |
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