[Sunhelp] anybody know bind8?

Gregory Leblanc GLeblanc at cu-portland.edu
Sat Mar 4 00:23:05 CST 2000

I've been running bind8 for a while now as the primary on my local net, but
I need to get it set up as a secondary for the office today (well, soon,
hopefully).  I've got it running out of /var/named, and I'm storing zone
specific files in /var/named/pz.  In /etc/named.conf, I've got a section
that reads as follows:

zone "cu-portland.edu" {
	type slave;
	file "pz/cu-portland.edu";
	masters { real.dns.server.ip; };

When I start named, it creates a file with a name like cu-portland.edu.stuff
in /var/named/pz, with size 0, but that goes away as soon as the "transfer"
is done.  Any ideas what the deal is?  Thanks,

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