[Sunhelp] DHCP Sonfig

Dennis L. Lund dllund at hermes.nextel.com
Mon Jun 19 15:19:02 CDT 2000

Hi all,

I am setting up a sparc5 (Solaris 8), at home, to be a DHCP client.  I have 
not been able to find very much on this subject.  What I have found suggests
all I have to do is create /etc/dhcp.<interface> with nothing in it.
Then reboot and it will create the DHCP direcory and files on reboot.

How do i configure the /etc/asppp.cf file to bring up the interface with 
DHCP when I initial a dialup to my workplace.

I am thinking something like this:

ifconfig ipdptp0 plumb aoto-dhcp up

Do I need to have any entries in /etc/hosts?

What other files will in need to edit and with what?

Thanks in advance
Dennis L. Lund
(678)291-3519  i(678)300-6071 p(888)640-8265
e-mail: dllund at hermes.nextel.com

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