[Sunhelp] xrdb

Magnus Abrante magnus.abrante at nocke.Sweden.Sun.COM
Thu Jul 27 08:36:37 CDT 2000

Depends on which graphic card you have. 

One way to check which card you have is to do a "ls /dev/fbs" (ignore the
trailing digits at the end of the name).

Then there is usually a command to change the preferences of that card which 
has about the same name as the card +config. 

For example; ffbconfig for ffb cards, m64config for m64 cards etc.
There is one exeption here, you use GFXconfig to configure gfxp (aka pgx)

The commands syntax is usually:

To print availabe resolutions:
<command> -res \?		

To change resolution:
<command> -res <new resolution> <now|try>
where "now" is to do it right away and "try" is to try it first.

You are not able to change the resolution of some of the older cards.

Best regards,

        //Magnus Abrante
/* This is my opinion and not the one of my empolyer */

> Does anyone know how to configure the resolution of a display, with
> Solaris 2.7?
> Thanks,
> Ben.
> Ben Dougherty wrote:

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