[Sunhelp] Remote tar backup/restore

Rehan Ul Badar rehan at gerrys.net
Wed Jul 12 01:57:53 CDT 2000

Hi all,

Can anyone tell me the workaround of remote tar backup/restore. Scenario
is that we have 2 machines and one DLT(Tape drive). DLT is attached with
machine-1. we take a backup on machine-1 with ' tar cvfp /dev/rmt/0
Now we have to restore the same backup on machine-2. rsh is working fine
we edited .rhosts. We got the following errors while we are restoring

# rsh machine-1 dd if=/dev/rmt/0 | tar xvfp - dir1
  read: I/O error
  0+0 records in
  0+0 records out
  tar: blocksize =

Any help will be appreciateable.


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