[Sunhelp] RE: Over All... #2D2A

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Sun Jul 2 14:53:07 CDT 2000

On Sun, Jul 02, 2000 at 01:06:05PM -0500, Kalusniak, Jeff wrote:
> Why are we getting ads on the sunhelp  mailing list?
> This is not why we subscribe.

This happens with lists everywhere.  As it is, I have a dilemma:

1.  Block all posts from "non-subscribers" -e.g., email addresses
that are not subscribed to the list.  This ends up with me getting
4-5 emails a day where people send stuff to the list from a different
address than the one they're subscribed from, and I have to go take
care of their posts manually.

2.  Leave it open - takes care of the problem in 1. above, and leaves
the list open for the very occasional spam ad to slip through, like
you see here.

However, when an ad does slip through, I block further email from
their domain/IP block range.


+-------------------\ /-----------------+
| Bill Bradford      |  www.sunhelp.org |
| mrbill at mrbill.net  |   www.decvax.org |
| Austin, Texas USA  |    www.pdp11.org |
+-------------------/ \-----------------+

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