[Sunhelp] win .inf files for a Sun 21' monitor

Ben Rosenberg ben at whack.org
Sun Feb 27 12:09:54 CST 2000

Hello all,

	I have a Sun 21' monitor that has the built in switch box. I have my
U10 and my PC connected to it. The PC runs Linux and works wonderfully,
but I was thinking of dualbooting it with Windows for Games and other
such things. Windows 98 just can handle this monitor for some reason. Is
there an .inf file somewhere I can use to show Windows how to use the

Thanks in Advance,
Ben Rosenberg				mailto:ben at whack.org
SuSE Linux 6.3 (2.2.14)			ICQ UIN:49268667
Solaris 8 - U10
" Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom "
					--Gen. George Patton

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