[Sunhelp] Solaris 2.7

Jarrett Carver solarboyz1 at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 24 09:14:39 CST 2000

We are looking at upgrading from 2.5.1 to Solaris 2.7 on our user 
workstations. However, we will still have 2.5.1 on almost all of our servers 
including NFS servers. We had a guy here mention that there was a problem 
with NFS between 2.5.1 and 2.7,  I got this second hand so I don't have any 
details on what he actually said or may be talking about.

Question: Since I figure there seems to be a wide range of experience pooled 
on this mailing list, perhaps some of you have 2.5.1 on servers 2.7 on 
clients and could clue me in on any potential difficulties.

Thanks in advance.

Jarrett Carver                                
Unix/NT Systems Administrator		    rboyz1 at hotmail.com

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