[Sunhelp] HW Sources

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed Feb 2 23:26:48 CST 2000

On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 05:28:15PM -0600, Jonathan Eisch wrote:
> What makes a vendor a 'Good Vendor'?  (I ask because I'm thinking that
> being a Sun Vendor may help my company get a better regional foothold.) 

Customer service, reliability, dependability, quality of items purchased,
etc.  The same reasons you'd call a car dealership a "good dealership", etc.

> Also, what does it take to become a vendor, do I need to be certified in
> something or other?

You just need to have money and the wish/ability to buy/sell Sun
hardware.   Some people, like me, occasionally do it as a hobby, while
others, like Tobias Keidl, Fred @ DII, or Greg Douglas, do it as a main
form of income.


|Bill Bradford          | mrbill at pdp11.org     | mrbill at mrbill.net    |
|http://www.sunhelp.org | http://www.pdp11.org | http://www.mrbill.net|

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