[Sunhelp] Opinions...

Will Mc Donald wmcdonald at orctel.co.uk
Wed Aug 23 10:45:45 CDT 2000

This is completely OT (although not as much as Dreamcasts :)) but I wonder
if anyone can spare the time to offer me some advice.

What I'm trying to do is build a cheap-ish fail-over FTP cluster with a
filesystem that's mirrored between the two machines over a dedicated 100
Mbit network link. We've been looking at using High Availability Redhat as a
failover FTP cluster. I can get the fail-over services working OK that's not
the problem.

The problem starts with trying to mirror at least one of the partitions over
the network, I've looked into DRBD but I don't think it's developed enough
yet. A few searches on google threw up references to Coda, Fault Freedom II
and a rambling thread on slashdot discussing something along these lines.

So, basically what I'd really like to know is does anyone here have any
experiences/horror stories/advice to offer?



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