[Sunhelp] GBIC Failures...

Gregory Leblanc GLeblanc at cu-portland.edu
Tue Jul 27 18:31:38 CDT 1999

What are the GBIC cards?  I don't get to work on enterprise systems at
work, but a friend of mine gets to play with a lot of nice bight shiny new
sun hardware, so I can ask...

-----Original Message-----
From: Steel, Nick - TPNWS [mailto:NSteel at sempra.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 4:21 PM
To: 'sunhelp at ohno.mrbill.net'
Subject: [Sunhelp] GBIC Failures...

We've recently had a high number (4) failures of the GBIC cards in some
E450 and E3500 systems. We're begining to get a bit concerned that we're
not just seeing random failures, but some kind of problem with the GBIC
cards that are causing them to go out quickly (the replacement unit one
system lasted about 2 months). 

Is anyone else running into a high failure rate with the GBIC cards, or
have they been pretty stable for everyone? 


-- Nick Steel 
Infrastructure Analyst 
Distributed Server Infrastructure 
Sempra Energy 
V. 323-780-5042 
E. nsteel at sempra.com 

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