[Sunhelp] Tekram scsi and Ultra 5

mike mangino mangino at cis.ohio-state.edu
Wed Jul 7 12:01:32 CDT 1999

I just bought a tekram DC 390f, which is based on the symbios 3c875 card. I understand that the symbios chipset is supported under Solaris. I am, however, a Solaris Idiot. All I know how to do is use Solaris. Can someone either help me get started finding and installing a driver for this thing so that I can access the CD drive?

If I run probe-scsi-all, it finds my drive correctly. It doesn't find it after boot though. I have only one scsi-cd drive /dev/sr0 which is actually my atapi cd drive. I would appreciate any help. I also would love to find a good web site or book that contains this sort of thing so I won't have to ask such stupid questions in the future.

Thanks in advance,

Mike Mangino                   Senior Programmer/Analyst
mangino at cis.ohio-state.edu     manginom at oclc.org
Home: (614) 326-2278           Work: (614) 764-6280

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