[SPARCbook] Ultrabook OBP 3.1.8

sunder sunder at sunder.net
Tue Jan 20 14:04:31 CST 2004

Helena Svderholm wrote:

> 3) Where is the software located to set external screen. The WVA does not seem to contain these functions. Are they command line commands? Is it true 1024x1280 does not work with external display? I have this nice 18" TFT and it wants its native resolution to look its best (1024x1280).

I no longer have an ultrabook, but I recall being able to do this from a 
shell using fdbconfig or something like that to change modes...  try man 
fbconf or fbconfig, etc... to see the man page or add --help on the command 

There are several options, one spits out what it's capable of, another what 
it's set to.  Once you figure out which options you need to do what you 
want, you'll want to write some shell scripts to make life easier...

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