[SPARCbook] off topic: Naturetech Portable SPARC Mailing List

Koyote koyote at koyote.cx
Mon Jan 20 13:00:42 CST 2003

Rich Kulawiec <rsk at gsp.org> writes:

> On Mon, Jan 20, 2003 at 12:36:45PM -0500, Len Rose wrote:
> > I'd be interested in hearing from anyone else who was spammed
> > with my site listed as the "source" but honestly them mentioning
> > my site shouldn't be grounds for suspicion..
> It most certainly should be (grounds for suspicion).  It's certainly
> not proof, of course: they could have just as easily pulled the
> archives from the old Sparcbook mailing list hosted at this domain
> (gsp.org) and thrown suspicion on *me*...and if they were so foolish
> as to do that, I certainly would expect lots of people to have
> questions for me.  That's completely understandable.

I receive spam "from" my own domain daily. Should I suspect myself?
I receive spam "from" several other domains in a given week that aren't
the actual sending domain.

Having been around the net for several years, I am well enoguh versed in
spammer tactics to know not to suspect what is presented as the origin
of an email at face value.

I realize you probably didn't mean to be extreaordinarily rude, but you
have managed to present an attitude representative of "convicted guilty
I will punish you now. who are you, by the way?" (in rough terms.)

So you may want to be a bit less .... agressive in accusing and
questioning people in public forums?

> > and I resent you not sending me mail asking me first before posting
> > it to this list. 
> I do not contact suspected/possible/confirmed spammers privately.
> (Why?  Because they then make the claim that I have "solicited"
> mail from them and hold this up to their ISP when complaints are
> filed there.  It is unfortunate that one of the side-effects of
> this is that direct contact with people who are merely *suspected*
> of *possible* involvement becomes problematic.  I recognize that
> this is sub-optimal for all concerned, especially when the party
> involved has no involvement and is blameless, as in your case.)

This does not absolve you from the need to be polite when contacting
people publicly.


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