[SPARCbook] Off topic spoiler: How to trash CDE

Douglas Landau sparcbook at sunhelp.org
Tue Mar 27 02:04:45 CST 2001

Sorry for the off topic msg.  Here is how to save the
CDE on your 1.2 GB SB:

1.  Move /usr/dt/lib/libXm.* to /usr/openwin/lib so Motif apps will run.

2.  Move /usr/dt/lib/libMrm.* to /usr/openwin/lib   (necessary?)

3.  /bin/rm -rf  /usr/dt  /.dt  ~/.dt  /var/dt  /etc/rc?.d/*dtlogin

3.  Edit /usr/openwin/lib/config/site.def and uncomment the two lines 
    on the first page regarding HasGcc2 so imake (xmkmf) will work.

4.  Go to http://www.topowest.com/dkl/Software/Source/index.html
    and download/build/install libXpm, ctwm, and xphoon. 

5.  Download my .xinitrc, .ctwmrc, .Xdefaults, and .twmrc files
    and put them in your home dir.

6.  Make sure you have these in your .cshrc or whatever:

    setenv OPENWINHOME /usr/openwin
    set path=($path $OPENWINHOME/bin)

7.  Log in and start X with the command 'openwin'.  

If you want to run Xdm (splash-screen type login):

8.  In your home dir make a link to .xinitrc called .xsession and make 
    it executable to satisfy Xdm.

9.  Download my Xresources and put it in /usr/openwin/lib/X11/xdm.

10. Download my Xsetup_0 and put it in /usr/openwin/lib/xdm.

11. If you want to run Xdm (splash-screen type login) download my 
    S99xdm and put it in /etc/rc3.d.

12. I must be doing something wrong, because at this point I have to say

    chmod +x /usr/openwin/bin/xdm

    ...to get xdm to work.  


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