[SPARCbook] SparckBook3 and framebuffer

sparcbook at sunhelp.org sparcbook at sunhelp.org
Sat Nov 18 11:37:42 CST 2000

My apologies if this question is covered already.  I have searched the
archives for this list and other sources and can't seem to find it.

I've got a Tadpole Sparcbook 3, 64MB RAM.  I'm installing Solaris 2.6 on
it.  I've got Solaris itself running fine, networking, the whole nine

My problem comes into play when I attempt to deal with Openwin.  The OS
claims it can't 'find a driver for the console framebuffer'.  There's also
no /dev/fb, and openwin complains about this as it starts up.

I found one place that claims that, in order to do this, you need to
install everything plus the OEM packages.  I have done this, and the boot
sequence still complains about no console framebuffer driver.

Can anyone help?  Is this as simple as making the device, or is there some
sort of patch I need to install?  

Thanks again.

-------Patrick M Geahan------pmgeahan at home.com-------ICQ:3784715------
Quote of the Week: "Where in the bible does it say `God so loved the
world that he congested bandwidth by forwarding email to everyone in 
his address book?'" - Tom Sevart in alt.folklore.urban

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