[SPARCbook] keyboard keystroke loss?

Rainer Canavan canavan at cs.bonn.edu
Wed May 31 05:08:20 CDT 2000

> Another thing I've noticed about both my Sparcbook 3's (GX and GS) is that
> they both lose keystrokes at times.  This can be very annoying when you're
> trying to type in a password and it misses keystrokes, as no program
> (DTlogin, login, ssh) echoes back *'s when you type in a password.)

I've noticed an entirely different problem: extra keys. If you happen to press
three keys at once - and this happens to me way too often on that 
small keyboard, I just don't get my fingers of the keys fast enough for
certain combinations - I get soething with \033 in it, causing it to
beep at the command prompt and leaving a ~ behind. That's really 
annoying once you have one of them in your root password.

I've never lost any keystrokes.


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