[SPARCbook] Tadpole 3000XT

Bill Strange wstrange at polarisdata.com
Wed May 17 12:08:25 CDT 2000

I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the following, but it seemed
like such a good thing that some might want to know.....

I just became aware of some Tadpole 3000XT's for sale.  They are used,
but in excellent condition, or so I am told, and are lease returns. 
These are nice boxes with minimum of 128 MB and 6GB HD.  The specs can
be found at the Tadpole-RDI web site.  Also....  the hard drives are
native IDE, so no mucking around with the SCSI-IDE conversion boards
during upgrades.

Anyway, they are likely pricey, relative to the 'Pennington' prices of
the 3GX's, but are serious workstations.  If interested, call Bill
Barone at 800-500-7283.  I am not sure what his bottom line pricing
would be, but he says consideration will be given to volume

Again, apologies for the capitalist intrusion  ;-)

Bill Strange

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