[SPARCbook] NetBSD SPARCbook question

Julian Coleman J.D.Coleman at newcastle.ac.uk
Sat Mar 25 12:50:48 CST 2000

Matthew Haas wrote:
> I'm looking in -current for the kernel source, (I need this to get the 3GX
> support, right?)... and I've narrowed it down to what I believe is the
> sys.tar.gz file... 17MEGs... is this the beast?

Yes, this is the kernel source.  If you look at the NetBSD web page and
follow 'Documentation and FAQs', 'Kernel', you'll see the documentation
that includes where to get the source and also how to configure and build
the kernel.

You'll want the -current sources to get the X and serial port support (these
aren't in the -release (1.4.x) branch).  If you're running 1.4.x at the
moment, probably the easiest way to get to -current is to install one of the
snapshots, e.g. the one in :


The newer snapshots don't have the X sets, but you can get those from the
'comdex-fall-1999' snapshot (these are the ones I use).

Tyson J. Lambert wrote:
> When (if) that finnishes, you should find a file TADPOLE3GX in
> /usr/src/sys/<something>.  In the directory where you find that file,
> execute
> config TADPOLE3GX
> and then it should spit out some messages about what to do next.

Yes, you can use sup to keep your sources up to date.  However, if you are
at the end of a slow connection, it will take a while to download all the
source first time [*].  See also the NetBSD documentation web pages for other
ways of obtaining the sources.

The config files for the sparc are in :


You can either use the 'TADPOLE3GX' file unchanged, or you might want to
copy it and modify it.   The kernel compile takes about 90 minutes.

If you have any problems, it's probably easiest to mail the NetBSD port-sparc
list (I'd guess the Linux and Solaris users don't want the list cluttered up
with NetBSD specific bits ;-).


[*] the source is approx 250 meg.
                    My other computer also runs NetBSD

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