[SPARCbook] Solaris server or workstation

Rainer Canavan canavan at xmailer.informatik.uni-bonn.de
Fri Nov 5 07:57:37 CST 1999

> On ebay I have seen copies of Solaris for sale.  Some say Solaris 2.51
> server edition.  Others say 2.51 workstation edition.  Some say
> nothing...
> Is there a real difference between server and workstation editions of
> Solaris, or are these just packaging terms?
> Thanks,
> Paul Phillips

Hmmm, I have Solaris 2.5.1, and I tried multiple times to install it
on my sparcbook, but i can't get the save/resume feature to work,
whatever I try. (restoring the old stuff with ufsrestore, tar, just plain copy
over NFS, no luck until now)

Is there some magic trick involved, or do I need the tadpole Solaris
CDs? Or is there anybody who has the tadpole patches and NCE2 for
2.5.1, and wants to get rid of it?


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