[SPARCbook] #sparcbook efnet IRC channel created.

Dan Moniz dnm at neith.net
Fri Aug 27 03:25:54 CDT 1999

Just a brief notice:

I created the #sparcbook channel on efnet at 4:17 AM EDT, August 27,

Original announcement (which went to #perl, since there are at least six
people I know on that channel with sparcbooks):


<dnm> hey hey hey, new efnet chan people here might be interested in. i
just made #sparcbook. i plan to announce it on the list and figure
people here might want to join in.


Anyway, I'm going to leave myself (nick: dnm) in there for as long as
possible. I don't plan to put any bots in, so I would appreciate it if
someone who is regularly on IRC for long stretches of time could idle
with ops and run a script to op channel members or whatever. Bots are
fine so long as you don't break local IRC server rules and their run as
secure as possible.

As for the type of discussion, the first /topic is:


Discussion of SPARCbooks & IRC end of the "sparcbook" mailing list.


Hope to see you there.

dnm [dnm at neith.net]

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